intoDNA awarded funding from the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

intoDNA is one of the top scoring grantees selected by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) to receive funding as part of their Investment in Innovation program. With this financing, intoDNA will pursue the outcome of its R&D activities to bring its offering to clinical research.

KRAKÓW & WARSZAWA, POLAND, 20 December 2021 – intoDNA S.A., a growing biotech start-up that offers an end-to-end process for DNA break detection, with its proprietary technology STRIDE, signed an agreement with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) for grant funding of 800 431 PLN to extend its offer to include the clinical stage. The funding will be used to purchase critical equipment and perform activities that will ensure compliance with Good Clinical Practice. Clearing STRIDE for use in clinical research will support the development of new cancer therapeutics at a broader scale through its wider accessibility.

This is a huge milestone for the team and the company. We are excited to have been recognized for our innovation by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and to see them support our strategy of advancing STRIDE to the next phase in the drug discovery and development paradigm.

says Magda Kordon-Kiszala, CEO at intoDNA.

About Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)

PARP is involved in the implementation of national and international programmes financed by EU structural funds, state budget and multiannual programmes of the European Commission. As a key authority responsible for creating a business-friendly environment in Poland, PARP contributes to the creation and effective implementation of state policy around enterprise, innovation and staff adaptability.

About intoDNA S.A.

intoDNA is a Krakow-based start-up that commercializes on its patent-protected technology STRIDE. The company was established in 2017 to address the problem of reliable DNA break marking that dr Magdalena Kordon-Kiszala, dr Kamil Solarczyk, dr Mirosław Zarębski and Prof. Jerzy Dobrucki faced during their research at the Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow. They developed an innovative method to label open DNA ends with high sensitivity, selectivity and specificity.



Opis dofinansowanego projektu intoDNA

Projekt badawczo-rozwojowy firmy intoDNA o tytule “Wdrożenie prac badawczo rozwojowych w celu rozpoczęcia świadczenia usługi wsparcia badań klinicznych nowych terapii onkologicznych” uzyskał finansowanie Polskiej Agencji Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (PARP) w Programie Operacyjnym Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020 w poddziałaniu 3.2.1 Badania na rynek. Przedmiotem projektu jest wdrożenie wyników prac B+R w celu rozpoczęcia świadczenia usługi wsparcia badań klinicznych nad nowymi lekami antynowotworowymi między innymi w zakresie oceny farmakodynamiki leków (biomarker farmakodynamiczny (PD)) w oparciu o opatentowaną metodę STRIDE. Całkowity koszt projektu to 1 455 330 PLN, a wkład funduszy UE to 800 431 PLN. W wyniku realizacji projektu zostanie wprowadzona na rynek usługa unikalna w skali świata.